Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 13 Night train from Barcelona

Quick little adventure last night: we are trying to use all public transportation options on this trip except taxis, so we caught a public bus from Barcelona airport to our hosts apartment. Minor problem-bus driver didn't recognize street address and host was not answering, fortunately, I had created a pin on Google maps where the apartment was and with the GPS on, were able to follow the moving blue dot on the phone and guess where to get off. We were just a block away! YAY for offline maps and GPS!!

After a wonderful night of sleep with our Ukrainian host and her 3 kids, we spent the day on rented bikes exploring Pratt de Llobregat, a small community just south of Barcelona. We were able to drive along the periphery of the Barcelona international airport and discovered a really cool place to sit and watch airplanes land.

We caught a train in to Barcelona where I killed a few hours in an internet cafe while David played guitar at a park nearby. We spotted a large group of young people, some with guitars and all singing praise and worship songs in Spanish so we joined in!

I have to pause now to say a big thank you to my brother Paul, who recommended we take an overnight train.
We will post a movie we took at some point, but we are on it now...and OH MY this is definitely my favorite way to travel! The countryside flying by, take a stroll down to cafe car and order a sandwich to then eat in the dining room car...all at 120 mph. Go back then to your private room, complete with bathroom and shower, and watch a movie, play guitar or read a book. THIS IS COOL. We have two bunks so will hit the sack in a bit.  We left at 8pm and will arrive at our destination around 830am.

Close to 22:00 now, so...going to hit the sack. Grateful for another awesome day with Dave!

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